Gift Voucher

Give a voucher for a stay at our Hotel in the Sassi of Matera

If you are planning to give a gift to a friend or relative for an anniversary, be it a birthday gift or a Christmas present, you can request a voucher valid for one year for the amount you want.

The recipient of the gift will be able to book the stay at our Hotel in Matera independently, selecting the preferred dates and the preferred room.

Voucher Application Procedure

  • Contact us by e-mail or telephone to request your Voucher.
  • Communicate the desired amount by paying via bank transfer or credit card payment link.
  • Once payment is received, a digital voucher valid for one year will be issued with an identification code.
Gift Voucher Hotel Matera nei Sassi

How to redeem the Gift Voucher

  • Use the digital voucher link or the online booking system of this website.
  • Enter the Voucher ID
  • The given amount will be automatically deducted from the total amount of your booking.
Gift Voucher Cancellation Terms and Conditions
  • For voucher buyers:

Cancellation with refund is only possible within 5 days from the date of payment; beyond this limit no refund is possible.

  • For voucher users:

It will not be possible to apply for the extension of the voucher beyond the expiry date of the stay.

Upon completion of the reservation, the Customer will receive a confirmation message that will have the value of a contract according to current legislation. Confirmation of the booking implies acceptance of the general conditions and the guarantee and cancellation policies mentioned.

In the event of a no-show or cancellation beyond the specified limits, the voucher will be considered as used.

Tourist tax is not included in the price but must be paid on arrival.

The cost of the tourist tax is EUR 2 per person per night.

Hotel Il Belvedere su Booking



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